Sziastok! Sugeng Rahayu! Selamat berjumpa! and Hello fellow user page viewer. I am Nyilvoskt or previously known as Ärkhézja. I am an administrator at Indonesian Wikipedia and a rollbacker at Wikidata. Generally the best place to find me is on Indonesian Wikipedia, specially in linguustics-related topic, yet you might also find me on English Wikipedia and Wikidata. You might find me on other projects when I was global-patrolling, transfering template and modules, or just want to edit like fellow non-cabaldians.
I generally experimenting with templates on idwiki and exporting it to small wikis when the code is stable enough, so if I was trying to implement it on other Wikis, your opinion is needed. :)
I have an on-wiki project to map and put coordinates on Wikidata about languages on the world. The data mostly came from sites such as Glottolog, Ethnologue, and ELP. If you are interested, you might can read the background of this project and/or implement this in your wiki!
{{maplink|frame=yes|plain=yes|raw=<!-- Kartographer needs the items to be called ?id and the coordinates ?geo -->{
"type": "ExternalData",
"service": "geopoint",
"query": "SELECT ?id (SAMPLE(?img) AS ?img_) (SAMPLE(?gmbr) AS ?gmbr_) (MIN(?partyId) AS ?geo) (CONCAT(\"[[: YOUR LANGUAGE CODE:\", SUBSTR(STR(?link2), 31 ), \"{{!}}\", ?idLabel, \"]]\") AS ?title) (IF(BOUND(?gmbr_), CONCAT(\"[[File:\", SUBSTR(STR(?gmbr_), 52 , 400 ), \"{{!}}200px]]\"), IF(BOUND(?img_), CONCAT(\"[[File:\", SUBSTR(STR(?img_), 52 , 400 ), \"{{!}}200px]]<hr><small>Data diambil dari Wikidata</small>\"), CONCAT(\"\"))) AS ?description) WHERE {\n ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q34770;\n wdt:P625 ?geo.\n SERVICE wikibase:label {\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"id\".\n ?head rdfs:label ?headLabel.\n ?id rdfs:label ?idLabel.\n }\n OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P18 ?img. }\n OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1846 ?gmbr. }\n ?link2 schema:about ?id;\n schema:isPartOf <>.\n}\nGROUP BY ?id ?idLabel ?link2 ?geo"
For the translation and technical works, look at the