Croatian language
Croatian language is a country in official bhasa Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and minoriti form Europe (Austria-Burgenland, Italy-Molise, Serbia-Vojvodina, Romania-Carasova, Hungary-Baranya). Population speack Croatian language area total: 6,200,000 (1995 est) (ranked 85th)
- ISO 639-1=hr
- ISO 639-2=hrv (scr)
- ISO 639-3=hrv
Croatian grammar
[badlo | source ke badlo]Nominativ (Nominative) | Tko? Što? (Who or what?) | Jabuka je fina. (The apple is delicious.) |
Genitiv (Genitive) | Koga? Čega? Čiji? (Who or what is missing? Who's?) | Ovo radim zbog jabuke. (I'm doing this because of the apple.) |
Dativ (Dative) | Komu? Čemu? (Whom or what am I going toward?) | Idem prema jabuci. (I am going toward the apple.) |
Akuzativ (Accusative) | Koga? Što? (Whom or what?) | Ne vidim jabuku. (I don't see the apple.) |
Vokativ (Vocative) | Oj! Ej! (Oi! Hey!) | Oj, jabuko! (Oi, apple!) |
Lokativ (Locative) | Gdje? U komu? U čemu? (Where? In what? In who?) | Živim u jabuci. (I live in the apple.) |
Instrumental | S kime? S čime? (With whom or with what?) | Trčim s jabukom. (I am running with the apple.) |
Croatian language latin alfabet
[badlo | source ke badlo]-
- Croatian language institut Archived 2006-07-06 at the Wayback Machine
- Croatian language Academy