
Wikipedia se

Function[source ke badlo]

Creates links to any archives located under the /YYYY/Month schema.

Usage[source ke badlo]

| root                = 
| auto                = 
| list                = 
| image               = 
| link                = 
| alt                 = 
| search              = 
| search-break        = 
| search-width        = 
| search-button-label = 
| target              = 
| bot                 = 
| age                 = 
| index               = 
| collapsible         = 
| collapsed           = 
| style               = 
| title               = 
| editbox             = 
  • root - should be used to specify the root of the archive structure (./Archives for example). Defaults to current page
  • Also allows through most of the other parameters of {{Archives}} (note that, for this template, the default for title is Archives)

Related Templates[source ke badlo]